The commonly used coating for pogo pin connectors is gold plating, and there are also special composite layers such as platinum plating and rhodium ruthenium plating. Generally, the coating thickness of a pogo pin product can affect the wear resistance and service life of the product. When communicating with many customers, Sunmon asked what POGOPIN coating 1U, 3U, and 5U refers to? In fact, there are clear markings on the drawings, indicating the thickness of the nickel plating bottom and gold plating layer. The thicker the gold plating thickness, the higher the cost.


What does the POGOPIN coating 1U, 3U, and 5U refer to? It usually refers to the thickness of the gold plating layer. The nickel plating bottom is generally 50-100U, which increases the corrosion resistance and durability of the product, as well as antioxidant capacity. Special coating treatment techniques can also achieve effects such as sweat resistance, electrolysis resistance, and swimming pool chlorine water resistance.


If you are not familiar with what POGOPIN coating 1U, 3U, and 5U refers to and how thick the product coating thickness needs to be, you can inform us of your product’s application scenarios and the expected lifespan. We request a technical evaluation of the compression life and coating thickness definition of the POGOPIN connector, and can provide a film thickness test report, mirror turning, hairdressing process, no pin jamming, no abnormal noise, and smooth pressing.


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